
Michael Jackson Ben

Michael Jackson Ben was a classic case of one child prodigy giving way to another. Danny Osmond was slated to sing Ben, but sadly, or shall we say, fortunately could not. It was left to be rendered by a 14-year old Michael Jackson. The song, placed in the move of the same name, became an instant hit. It enjoyed supremacy in US and Australia and the world came to know that a star is born through Michael Jackson Ben.

It was a pop single, and was remarkable as there had not been many (just two in fact) who could chart to the top at such a young age. The song became a cover feature for his two future albums. It also allowed him the privilege to perform in front of the motley but conservative Academy crowd. It was nominated in the original song category in 1973, between the years that another cult creation came with the original and its sequel – The Godfather.

Marlon Brando was incomparable and has been copied many times by many artists. But he had a thing common with Michael, a rasping voice. Michael Jackson Ben showed the world what it would see for years to come, the magic of Michael. Later, as he became the king of pop, he would often muse on the first laurel that came his way through Michael Jackson Ben.

Ben preceded ABC and then the record album Thriller to show that it was not a flash in the pan performance. In fact, the pan which served us Michael Jackson Ben was starting to expand like boiling lard. Jackson gave people hysteria, a new style of dance, a way to spend evenings, but before all that, he gave us Michael Jackson Ben, for which the world will remain ever indebted to him.